Monday, December 15, 2008

Green Tea Will It Accelerate Your Weight Loss

Losing weight is no big deal if you follow the things that will really work for your constitution. Whatever body type you have, there are three essential things you need to do to bring about weight loss. Of course, you have to be particular about these. Here is the list of things you need to do.

You cannot effectively lose weight without improving your diet. That's an undeniable fact. You have to make concerted efforts to stay away from all calorie rich foods. Avoid red meats and consume fish and poultry products instead. Do not use much fat in your foods. If possible, stick to a vegetarian and fruitarian diet. Make sure you have a lot of water because it helps the foods to burn out completely from your system. A good diet does not mean that you should starve; eat as much as you need, but do not simply gorge food without thinking. Eat in small portions to allow the body to use it up completely.

You will need to exercise; there is no way you can deny that. But what kind of exercise you practice is important. Some weight loss programs instead on reps and other kinds of muscle training exercises. People who have built up weights have probably never exercised before. So they find these things very difficult and just quit. However, you need not go for these difficult exercises right away. Begin with light exercises such as walking and jogging, then go on to cycling and swimming. You will find that you lose a lot of weight this way.

Herbal supplements are quite important if you want to lose your weight as soon as possible. These herbal supplements can improve the way various functions in the body work, including weight loss. There are many herbal supplements out there, but the most popular of them is green tea. Green tea really works because it is rich in antioxidants that can power up the metabolic functions of the body, including the digestive function.

Diet, exercise and the right kind of heath supplement – this is all you need to bring your body weight to the healthier and sexier limit you are hoping for. All the best in your efforts!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Green Tea Weight Loss – Why Does It Work So Effectively?

Green tea is being considered by health experts as one of the best therapies in the world to bring about weight loss. This Japanese tea has gained worldwide acceptance because of research that indicated that it can cause a fat metabolism 17% higher than that in people who do not use the tea. This in itself is a great benefit for bringing about the weight loss. However, how does green tea work for weight loss? There are actually four ways in which green tea weight loss is brought about.

1. Green tea improves the metabolism, i.e. the various reactions taking place in the body. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published a report on how green tea can help in improving the speed at which vital functions take place in the body. These functions include the rate at which thermogenesis takes place. Thermogenesis is the process in which the body burns (oxidizes) the calories present in it. This effect is due to the presence of poly phenols which are found in a high concentration in green tea.

2. The poly phenols present in the green tea are directly beneficial in reducing the assimilation of glucose into the body. From another perspective, the poly phenols help in improving the insulin sensitivity in people. This keeps the blood sugar level in control, which in turn controls the amount of fat that is accumulated in the body.

3. One of the most significant green tea weight loss factors is that the tea helps in reducing appetite. Since the sugar present in the body is all used up, the body gets an adequate supply of energy from it. As a result, the body does not ask for more food. Thus, people can control the amount of food that they eat.

4. This is a subtle green tea weight loss benefit, but is significant all the same. Green tea contains caffeine which is what makes coffee so famous. However, if people were to consume green tea instead of coffee, they would be saved from all the hazardous effects of coffee (to which sugar is invariably added).

Thus, there are various methods in which green tea weight loss is brought about. It is not without reason that this tea is heralded as the greatest health benefit the world has ever known, because apart from its function in reducing excess weight, green tea has a host of other health benefits for the human body.